An Earthquake as a lab: evidences from 2009 Abruzzo


A DiD analysis of the impact of Abruzzo earthquake on annual labor income. Our paper shows that the earthquake’s impact was particularly severe on annual labor income. Gender differences were not significant in our study and, if any, females suffered less in the short-run. The negative effect on income represents a policy failure, as governmental action was not able to offset the earthquake’simpact on the labor market

Nov 24, 2021 3:00 PM — 3:30 PM
Course Empirical Research Methods and Data Analysis (Prof. Adda)
Bocconi University

A joint work with Tommaso Castellani, Federico Mannoni and Karen Trovamala.

This page refers to a group project that has not been published nor formally reviewed.
Lorenzo Pedretti
Lorenzo Pedretti
Visting Student

I’m a student in the [MSc in Economic and Social Sciences]({{< relref “/ess” >}}) at Bocconi University, where I obtained my [Bachelor]({{< relref “/bess” >}}). I work as a RA at Igier and I am Visiting Student at Igier and at Bidsa. I am fellow of Tortuga Think Tank. Previously, in high school, I was students’ represesentative and in 2017-18 national Spokeperson of the Italian Students at the Ministry of Education. Three things that make me happy are economics, the mountains and fencing.
