Ci pensiamo noi! 10 proposte per far largo ai giovani


An analysis of italian policies to support youth entrepreneurship.

Jun 24, 2021 11:00 AM — 1:00 PM
Congresso Gipea
This page is in italian since the event was held in italian.
Lorenzo Pedretti
Lorenzo Pedretti
Visting Student

I’m a student in the [MSc in Economic and Social Sciences]({{< relref “/ess” >}}) at Bocconi University, where I obtained my [Bachelor]({{< relref “/bess” >}}). I work as a RA at Igier and I am Visiting Student at Igier and at Bidsa. I am fellow of Tortuga Think Tank. Previously, in high school, I was students’ represesentative and in 2017-18 national Spokeperson of the Italian Students at the Ministry of Education. Three things that make me happy are economics, the mountains and fencing.
